ParanormalQueen - Lisa Lanno-
Psychic Medium, Paranormal Investigator
Author, Handwriting Analyst
Lisa Lanno-Paranormal Queen & "Music Meets the Macabre"
GONE Paranormal (Ghosts of the NorthEast) and theGhostly Realm
GONE Paranormal (Ghosts of the North East),founded, 2009
Lisa Lanno, Founder
Our Mission is to help the living & deceased live in peace.
We may try to cross them, or find out what they want/need.
Some will go; others won't. Each invistigation is unituqe
Mini Docu - WTNH CT USA Haunted Trinity Church
Ghost Guarding Weapons Room & a Female Prisoner EVPs
GUARD Ghost Video:
How we began - How we Work
A haunted library, radio station, restaurant, giant warehouse
to the Colt Firearms Factory and the Tower of London, along with many individual homes.
From myself & daughter, Valerie, to an amazing team of investigators, each with their own specialties.
I'm the psychic/medium, "tuning in" to the ghost/entity
Wayne (lead investigator) has full knowledge of building structure & easily picks up natural occurrences.
Barbara (Waynes wofe), gets all the details and organizes them. Huge help.
Main mini-team...Other part time investigators as well.
Revere MA Pulic Library
Libraries seem notorious for ghosts. Perhaps a dedicated person wants to stay on. Seems to be the case here with a caretaker who allegedly passed away in the boiler room.*
Ghosts....who are they?
*NO ONE need to pass in a place for it to have a ghost.
Dead people, who are still in our dimension and haven't
crossed to the next. Why? They don't know they are dead. They don't
want to leave but do know. They have unfinished business.
They are afraid.We have encountered them all.
Bad Entities, Evil
There are evil realms where terrible things live. Many "evil" entities are human "ghosts" who were
evil in this life and havent crossed. They linger in with the same nasty personalities.
It's VERY seldom a non-human entity, but never rule it out.
Do You Have A Ghostly Problem?
If you have a Ghostly Issue, or think you do, please email,Subject: Ghosts
We'll send you a "ghost checklist" and provide a consultation free of charge.
If an investigation is necessary, we will come to you, or help virtually.
(Small fees may apply, such as fuel) Donations welcome.